Coral of Ocean

Mother of Earth
Beautiful birth
Polyp under water
Chimera brewed
Perplexing astral daughter

Coral, Coral of Ocean…side
Few understand
Though many have tried
What are the secrets that you hide
Sweet Coral of Ocean…side

A reef of grief
Tethered beneath
Anemones of sorrow
Alas eschewed
No solitude
Assuage it with tomorrow

Depth of the sea
The worries in me
Equalize I must
The sea blues dare
Come up for air
‘Tis in my breath I trust

Coral, Coral of Ocean…side
Few understand
Though many have tried
What are the secrets that you hide
Sweet Coral of Ocean…side

Building swell
We cannot quell
Commit to paddle harder
The attitude
Is gratitude
We ride each wave with ardor

Tidepools fill
With hope and thrill
Like oases of manna
Love, our one true prana

By: Amula

Amula is a very dear friend, a mother, and a writer.  Through reflection and perspective, she is able to bring honest and beautiful insight into the unexpected happenings in life.  I am honored to share her poem on Coral’s blog- a poem that was written for Coral’s first birthday on July 28th.
